2024-09-05 18:10:25 -04:00

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# TypeScript Fastify Starter Template
This template is designed to help you get started with Fastify and TypeScript. By default, it uses **EJS** as the templating engine, but feel free to replace it with any other engine that suits your project.
## Getting Started
### For Windows:
Use the following commands via `start.bat`:
- **Start the project:** `start.bat`
- **Clean up the project:** `start.bat clean`
- **Change mode:** `start.bat mode <mode>`
### For Unix/Linux:
Use the following commands via `start.sh`:
- **Start the project:** `start.sh`
- **Clean up the project:** `start.sh clean`
- **Change mode:** `start.sh mode <mode>`
### Mode Options:
You can set the following modes:
- `dev` or `development`
- `prod` or `production`
## Package Manager Support
You can switch the package manager for the project with the following allowed managers:
- **bun**
- **npm**
- **yarn**
- **pnpm**
## License
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](https://creations.works/creations/TSFastifyExample/src/branch/main/LICENCE) file for details.
Have fun!